Saturday, April 26, 2014

Patrolling our borders

My great-grandparents immigrated here from Ireland - legally.  My father-in-law immigrated from Germany - legally.  I do NOT understand any argument that says that those who come here illegally should be allowed to stay. It can be done that way and it should be done that way.

We have too many politicians that want to allow "those in the shadows" to simply stay - ignoring their crimes.  I especially despise the viewpoint that we should only deport those who have "committed crimes," ignoring the fact that they have already committed a crime by coming here illegally!

I am dumbfounded by those who talk about "securing our borders" and I wonder why that hasn't yet been done....and then it occurred to me....those in charge don't want our borders closed.  Don't believe me?  Consider this - when one drives into California, you are stopped and asked about any fruit that you might be transporting into the state.  How many roads come into California?  And how does that compare with the 137 mile-border with Mexico?  I don't know, but my guess is that there are many more miles of roadways.  And yet - they somehow can't control that 137 miles.

No.  I don't buy it.  I've driven in southern California.  I hate that the speed limit - on the highway - drops to 25 mph.  There are bright lights and signs showing a huddled family running across the road.  You cannot tell me that they KNOW about the crossings and yet they CAN'T do anything about it.  Nope - I believe it's a choice.

Why?  That's a more difficult question to answer.  I could never understand why people said that there were those that hate our country - and then along came Obama, who wanted to "fundamentally change" our country.  I know now that there are citizens who hate this country and will do anything to change it into a socialist/Communist/whatever they think is better than a free country.

I choose to fight back.  What about you?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Old Debts

Ya gotta love it....

After the news broke of a couple of people being held responsible for debt incurred when these people were LITTLE, the Social Security Administration has decided to "suspend" the program.  Isn't that special?  

Here's a quote from the article,' "While this policy of seizing tax refunds to repay decades-old Social Security overpayments might be allowed under the law, it is entirely unjust," Democratic Sens. Senators Barbara Boxer of California and Barbara Mikulski of Maryland said in a letter to Colvin." '  

I don't care for Barbara Boxer's politics, but at least she didn't vote for the bill that allows this....Mikulski, however, did.  She didn't read the bill.  Stunned, aren't you??

Here's another fun quote, '"We want to assure the public that we do not seek restitution through tax refund offset in cases when the debt in question was established prior to the debtor turning 18 years of age," Social Security spokesman Mark Hinkle said in an email...'  I think that can be firmly established to be a load of horse manure.

Why don't AP and FOX News call these people on their voting for such garbage and lying about what's happening??

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Coke is most certainly NOT it

I watched the Super Bowl (along with however many other millions of people) on February 2nd.  I very much enjoyed the recitation of the Declaration of Independence before the show started.  I thought the opera singer did a great job of the nation anthem.  I thought the commercials were pretty lame.  And then I saw the Coca-Cola ad.  You know, the one where "America the Beautiful" was sung in several different languages.  My instant reaction was "no more Coke for this house!"  The next day I started seeing different blog postings with all sorts of different reactions to the ad.

One of the most common arguments on the side of  Coca-Cola seems to be that we are a nation of immigrants (true) and that most of our ancestors spoke a language other than English when they arrived in this country (also true).  However, I would say the biggest problem with this line of reasoning is that OUR ancestors came to this country and KNEW they'd have to assimilate to American culture and HAVE to speak English.  My great-grandparents didn't come here expecting Americans to cater to their Gaelic and help them out.  They had to speak English to survive - and they did.  My father-in-law came here, speaking no English at all, but he learned.  He didn't expect people to speak German and help him.  Let's not even talk about the hoops they all had to jump through to get here - paperwork, waiting, money, a reference, a job, an address...

If you move to Germany, you damn well better learn German.  If you move to Mexico, you damn well better speak Spanish. Come to America, and you'd better know English!  Assimilate!  That melting pot??  That was YOU melting into America - we would absorb things from your country (spaghetti, chopsticks, corned beef and cabbage, hamburgers), but you would become an AMERICAN.

You want to represent the many different cultures, then you show different American houses, Americans in different national garb, in different religious buildings.  But they need to speak English. Just like all the other immigrants.

So, yeah, I will never again buy Coke.  Not just because of the other languages used (Arabic??  Hindi??  Was there one European language??), but also because of the gay couple prominently featured. Homosexuality is wrong - end of story.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Quick fix

I have such an easy fix for this little story.

Grant the law license, then deport his sorry ass back to wherever it is he came from.

TADA!  Problem solved!

Well done, Rush

 It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...