Friday, November 11, 2016

Post-Election Day

Donald Trump won.  Holy cow.  Can hardly believe it.  Finally, Hillary Clinton has been shut up and maybe we won't have to hear from her ever again!

But I gotta say, these parents who are saying, "oh no, what do I tell my children?"  Well, for crying out loud, if you'd told them the truth about BOTH candidates, then I think they're gonna be fine.

If you only told them that Donald Trump was a disgusting mysoginist, then yeah, they're going to be upset.  If you had maybe mentioned that Hilary Clinton was a lying, cheating, spiteful woman who did not take good care of classified information, putting our citizens at risk, then I'm guessing they wouldn't be quite as upset, because they would have known that BOTH candidates had huge character issues.

I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, but I voted for him in the general.  I was around when Bill was in office and there was NO way I'd vote for her.  At least he's a businessman.  I hope he runs this country like a business.

Well done, Rush

 It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...