I would LOVE to not have to depend on people that hate America for energy. But alternative energy has to be able to compete legitimately.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Fiscal Cliff?
We've been hearing a lot lately about the "fiscal cliff" our country will go over January 1, 2013, if our representatives in Washington, D.C. can't reach some sort of agreement about our financial future.
I heard a great comment about this last week that basically said something like, "this crisis is proof that our country is lost, because a moral people would NEVER have run up $16T (or whatever it is, who cares about the exact amount) in debt." What a great insight. The people of this country, and therefore, the people we elect, have walked away from goodness and truth and God.
How else do we explain a people that think...
...killing a baby before it's born is okay, but expect that same child, if "wanted", to receive the best care that money can buy, and expect others to pay for both the murder and the care?
...keeping your own money that you yourself earned is"not fair" if it's more than others have?
...when they can't find a job, not only refuse to take any job available (even if "below" them), but expect others who are working to pay to support them?
...people who come into our country illegally should stay here?
I could go on and on. What's the answer? Christ. We, as Christians have abdicated our role in culture. It's time to step up, be bold, and proclaim the truth about Christ. Christ is not about rules, but a relationship.
I heard a great comment about this last week that basically said something like, "this crisis is proof that our country is lost, because a moral people would NEVER have run up $16T (or whatever it is, who cares about the exact amount) in debt." What a great insight. The people of this country, and therefore, the people we elect, have walked away from goodness and truth and God.
How else do we explain a people that think...
...killing a baby before it's born is okay, but expect that same child, if "wanted", to receive the best care that money can buy, and expect others to pay for both the murder and the care?
...keeping your own money that you yourself earned is"not fair" if it's more than others have?
...when they can't find a job, not only refuse to take any job available (even if "below" them), but expect others who are working to pay to support them?
...people who come into our country illegally should stay here?
I could go on and on. What's the answer? Christ. We, as Christians have abdicated our role in culture. It's time to step up, be bold, and proclaim the truth about Christ. Christ is not about rules, but a relationship.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I've done a lot of reading and thinking and praying...well, not as much praying as I should....since the election and I have become convinced of one thing for sure.
Government-run education has finally come full circle with the tremendous number of young people voting for Obama.
I know there are times that public and private school are the options that God chooses for our children. But sometimes it's just because we want more "stuff" and both parents have to work for the "stuff" - vacations, nicer clothes, a nicer house.
We're often leaving these impressionable children in not just a "God-free" education system, but a "God-hostile" system. Jesus said, "whoever is not with me is against me," and that is certainly the truth in education. We think we can abdicate character-building, history, sex ed, etc. to others. Even our children's religious education is dumped on Sunday School teachers who teach our children about an hour a week.
How do we expect young people to look into the future, to a bankrupt United States, to a debt-ridden society, when we refuse to look into the future and see what we're reaping when we abdicate our responsibility to teach our own children truth?
I hear from parents, "well, our children should be salt and light". Really? Is there any word about Jesus being salt and light when he was young? No. There's ONE glimpse into his life and he was 12 and at church. If Jesus didn't being HIS ministry until he was about 30, I think our kids can get a pass. This is key training time.
Deuteronomy says to talk about God's commands all the time. How do we do that when they're at school eight hours a day, extra-curricular activities two hours a day, and sleeping nine hours a day? That leaves us five hours a day.
There's a famous quote that says, "give me a child until they're seven, and I will give you the man." Government is pushing for school at younger and younger ages. Why? Because they care about you? Your kids? No. It's all about control.
Who's having the most influence on our kids' lives? Who do we want to have the most influence? What are we doing to be sure that is happening?
Government-run education has finally come full circle with the tremendous number of young people voting for Obama.
I know there are times that public and private school are the options that God chooses for our children. But sometimes it's just because we want more "stuff" and both parents have to work for the "stuff" - vacations, nicer clothes, a nicer house.
We're often leaving these impressionable children in not just a "God-free" education system, but a "God-hostile" system. Jesus said, "whoever is not with me is against me," and that is certainly the truth in education. We think we can abdicate character-building, history, sex ed, etc. to others. Even our children's religious education is dumped on Sunday School teachers who teach our children about an hour a week.
How do we expect young people to look into the future, to a bankrupt United States, to a debt-ridden society, when we refuse to look into the future and see what we're reaping when we abdicate our responsibility to teach our own children truth?
I hear from parents, "well, our children should be salt and light". Really? Is there any word about Jesus being salt and light when he was young? No. There's ONE glimpse into his life and he was 12 and at church. If Jesus didn't being HIS ministry until he was about 30, I think our kids can get a pass. This is key training time.
Deuteronomy says to talk about God's commands all the time. How do we do that when they're at school eight hours a day, extra-curricular activities two hours a day, and sleeping nine hours a day? That leaves us five hours a day.
There's a famous quote that says, "give me a child until they're seven, and I will give you the man." Government is pushing for school at younger and younger ages. Why? Because they care about you? Your kids? No. It's all about control.
Who's having the most influence on our kids' lives? Who do we want to have the most influence? What are we doing to be sure that is happening?
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
What's the point?
That's what I've been asking myself for a little over a week. Why bother? Christ will return. I am going to heaven. These people that voted for Obama don't give a flying flip about infanticide, sodomy, legalized stealing, or the rule of law. Why should I? Why should I insist that my kids learn about the Constitution and their forefathers? Why should I draw a line in the sand and say, "here is truth and I will not break"?
Because I have to. Because I'm here. God sets the times and seasons for us to live....and here I am.
Killing a baby isn't less revolting because it's still in the womb. It may be more understandable if the mother is going to die if she carries it to term, but let's be honest - most women get an abortion because that baby would be inconvenient. It's murder.
Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women isn't just a lifestyle choice. It's a sin. It's not how our bodies work and it's not okay. And it surely is not marriage.
Ignoring the Constitution when you have taken an oath to defend it is not noble because you "feel" it's wrong. It's treason.
I feel like I am under assault day in and day out against the forces of this world, and make no mistake; there are forces out there and they are evil. I wage war with them internally, as they fight against my marriage, my family, my children, my country. I refuse to back down. I know what's right and I know who is Truth. It is sure as hell not our current president, and it's not even the man who ran against him.
Jesus Christ wins. I stand on that rock. And I refuse to stand idly by while whiny brats asking for handouts tell me I'm wrong.
Because I have to. Because I'm here. God sets the times and seasons for us to live....and here I am.
Killing a baby isn't less revolting because it's still in the womb. It may be more understandable if the mother is going to die if she carries it to term, but let's be honest - most women get an abortion because that baby would be inconvenient. It's murder.
Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women isn't just a lifestyle choice. It's a sin. It's not how our bodies work and it's not okay. And it surely is not marriage.
Ignoring the Constitution when you have taken an oath to defend it is not noble because you "feel" it's wrong. It's treason.
I feel like I am under assault day in and day out against the forces of this world, and make no mistake; there are forces out there and they are evil. I wage war with them internally, as they fight against my marriage, my family, my children, my country. I refuse to back down. I know what's right and I know who is Truth. It is sure as hell not our current president, and it's not even the man who ran against him.
Jesus Christ wins. I stand on that rock. And I refuse to stand idly by while whiny brats asking for handouts tell me I'm wrong.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Un&@*#$% believable
I stayed up last night to watch the election results. I went to bed after FOX News called Ohio for Obama, since that was the end. It took me a good 40 minutes to fall asleep...and I was awoken by my hubby at 5 am, who was just as crushed at the results as I was.
Then, the President had the AUDACITY to call for working together. You know what that means? Republicans and conservatives, you need to cave. No, you say?
Abortion - it's murder at all times. I don't care if it's from rape or incest or if mom's going to die. It is murder. The right is supposed to allow exceptions for those times. Fine. What does the left give? Do they say partial birth abortion isn't okay? No, birthing a baby all the way except for the head, then stabbing it with drugs and killing it is okay. What about blocking sex-selection abortions? Nope....go ahead and kill your baby girl or boy if it doesn't fit into your life.
Taxes - all the money from taxes are TAKEN from working people. The right is supposed to say, okay, those who don't make much don't have to contribute at all, even though they use the lions' share of government handouts. Those who make the most, should get to keep the least of their OWN money. Where does the left compromise? Nowhere.
Sequestration - half of it is coming from the defense budget. The other half - oh, don't touch any "entitlements". Speaking of entitlements....why hasn't anyone figured that out? You're "entitled" to your benefits? No, you're graciously given them from the people who actually PAY taxes. How about a thank you? Or proving you're looking for a job? Or sweeping the street where you live?
Immigration. The right has to allow everyone who's already here to stay. Left? They don't give an inch, then they call the right "racist" if they disagree. It's not racist to expect people to follow the law of the land. Or do you on the left just think that those poor minorities just can't follow the rules?? The soft bigotry of low expectations.
Whatever. It obviously doesn't freakin' matter. Too many people are lazy and refuse to work, just wanting government to take care of them. Hello, Sandy, anyone?
Anybody want to buy an island with me??
Then, the President had the AUDACITY to call for working together. You know what that means? Republicans and conservatives, you need to cave. No, you say?
Abortion - it's murder at all times. I don't care if it's from rape or incest or if mom's going to die. It is murder. The right is supposed to allow exceptions for those times. Fine. What does the left give? Do they say partial birth abortion isn't okay? No, birthing a baby all the way except for the head, then stabbing it with drugs and killing it is okay. What about blocking sex-selection abortions? Nope....go ahead and kill your baby girl or boy if it doesn't fit into your life.
Taxes - all the money from taxes are TAKEN from working people. The right is supposed to say, okay, those who don't make much don't have to contribute at all, even though they use the lions' share of government handouts. Those who make the most, should get to keep the least of their OWN money. Where does the left compromise? Nowhere.
Sequestration - half of it is coming from the defense budget. The other half - oh, don't touch any "entitlements". Speaking of entitlements....why hasn't anyone figured that out? You're "entitled" to your benefits? No, you're graciously given them from the people who actually PAY taxes. How about a thank you? Or proving you're looking for a job? Or sweeping the street where you live?
Immigration. The right has to allow everyone who's already here to stay. Left? They don't give an inch, then they call the right "racist" if they disagree. It's not racist to expect people to follow the law of the land. Or do you on the left just think that those poor minorities just can't follow the rules?? The soft bigotry of low expectations.
Whatever. It obviously doesn't freakin' matter. Too many people are lazy and refuse to work, just wanting government to take care of them. Hello, Sandy, anyone?
Anybody want to buy an island with me??
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Right and wrong
These past few weeks have been incredibly frustrating to me. I am a very opinionated person (in case you hadn't noticed) and I just don't understand how some people can see wrong and think it's okay.
Case in point: the Chick-fil-a controversy. The CEO said he was "guilty as charged" in supporting traditional marriage. And the wrath came down. I understand non-Christians being mad. I don't understand Christians being okay with homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a sin....as is adultery, divorce, lying, stealing, gossip, and a host of other things. It's so simple. I really just don't understand Christians who don't think the same way.
Case in point: the Chick-fil-a controversy. The CEO said he was "guilty as charged" in supporting traditional marriage. And the wrath came down. I understand non-Christians being mad. I don't understand Christians being okay with homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a sin....as is adultery, divorce, lying, stealing, gossip, and a host of other things. It's so simple. I really just don't understand Christians who don't think the same way.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
How Much More?
I thought I was ticked off about the Arizona ruling....that was just the tip of the iceberg.
I have been moping around in a funk since the Obamacare ruling. I simply cannot get over the fact that FIVE, count 'em, FIVE Supreme Court justices actually went along with the idea that the Constitution allows the federal government to tax us for NOT buying something.
I have read the Constitution from front to back, and while I'm no Constitutional scholar, I just don't see it.
I believe the time has come to get rid of our politicians - all of them. Start afresh. They can all go home and get "real" jobs. It's time to end Congressional pensions for everyone. I don't care how long they served. They were supposed to be serving us, and I think it's become pretty clear that they never gave a flying flip about us. They wanted the prestigious positions and their names on buildings and for the media to fawn over them.
My larger concern is the idiots who voted and continue to vote for them. How do we educate them? If they're educated in a public school system, the teacher's unions surely have no incentive to teach them that liberals and socialists are wrong. Once they're out of the public school system, where will they hear conservatism? Only if they seek it out will they hear it.
I have been moping around in a funk since the Obamacare ruling. I simply cannot get over the fact that FIVE, count 'em, FIVE Supreme Court justices actually went along with the idea that the Constitution allows the federal government to tax us for NOT buying something.
I have read the Constitution from front to back, and while I'm no Constitutional scholar, I just don't see it.
I believe the time has come to get rid of our politicians - all of them. Start afresh. They can all go home and get "real" jobs. It's time to end Congressional pensions for everyone. I don't care how long they served. They were supposed to be serving us, and I think it's become pretty clear that they never gave a flying flip about us. They wanted the prestigious positions and their names on buildings and for the media to fawn over them.
My larger concern is the idiots who voted and continue to vote for them. How do we educate them? If they're educated in a public school system, the teacher's unions surely have no incentive to teach them that liberals and socialists are wrong. Once they're out of the public school system, where will they hear conservatism? Only if they seek it out will they hear it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Another day, another snotty administration act
I can't decide which bit of illegality bugs me the most.....
the federal government flat out REFUSING to enforce our immigration laws...
or the federal government ANNOUNCING they'll be allowing illegals to stay....
or the federal government SUING Arizona for trying to enforce immigration laws.....
or the federal government being so freaking PETTY that they, when they lose on ONE point of Arizona's law, they announce yet AGAIN that they will refuse to help enforce this one point.
What about you? Which part bugs you the most?
the federal government flat out REFUSING to enforce our immigration laws...
or the federal government ANNOUNCING they'll be allowing illegals to stay....
or the federal government SUING Arizona for trying to enforce immigration laws.....
or the federal government being so freaking PETTY that they, when they lose on ONE point of Arizona's law, they announce yet AGAIN that they will refuse to help enforce this one point.
What about you? Which part bugs you the most?
Monday, June 25, 2012
I haven't posted in awhile, not because there's nothing to rant about, but because it discourages me. I get in these funks when I see that our government is NOT doing what it's supposed to be doing. I KNOW that God is in charge, but sometimes it's hard to believe.
Anyway, today's Supreme Court decision really ticked me off, especially when added to the bull-pucky decision that the administration made public last week.
ILLEGAL. There's nothing else to say. These people are here illegally, they don't belong here. End of story. I don't care about their sad story. Every immigrant has one. My father-in-law came here legally. It took him a LONG time to get the sponsor and the money and the paperwork. My great-grandparents came here legally. They also had a process. Why the hell do you think that if you just don't "feel like" getting here legally that the system should change for you?
It really ticks me off that the Obama administration has given the 30 and unders a pass. It infuriates me that JUDGES say that Arizona can't enforce the freaking FEDERAL law!! The feds won't enforce it, Arizona wanted to, and the judges said NO?!?!?!
That's about all I post without swearing....and it's already been pretty dang close.
Anyway, today's Supreme Court decision really ticked me off, especially when added to the bull-pucky decision that the administration made public last week.
ILLEGAL. There's nothing else to say. These people are here illegally, they don't belong here. End of story. I don't care about their sad story. Every immigrant has one. My father-in-law came here legally. It took him a LONG time to get the sponsor and the money and the paperwork. My great-grandparents came here legally. They also had a process. Why the hell do you think that if you just don't "feel like" getting here legally that the system should change for you?
It really ticks me off that the Obama administration has given the 30 and unders a pass. It infuriates me that JUDGES say that Arizona can't enforce the freaking FEDERAL law!! The feds won't enforce it, Arizona wanted to, and the judges said NO?!?!?!
That's about all I post without swearing....and it's already been pretty dang close.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Julia's a Moocher
The Obama campaign recently put out a slide show called The Life of Julia, which follows a representative woman through her life to show how great Obama is and we should re-elect him.
First of all, can I say, as a woman.....pfffft. Stop treating me like I'm part of some homogeneous group. It's so annoying.
Okay, to the meat of the slide show.
First slide: Julia goes to Head Start because BO is such a great guy and Romney, with the Ryan budget, would cut money from Head Start. A "cut" in DC is a cut in the RATE OF GROWTH. And Head Start isn't that helpful. Huh.
Second slide: Well that's funny. There are no slides between 3 and 17 years of age. Maybe because the public education system is so broken, they couldn't figure out anyway to positively spin it for BO. At 17, Julia is attending a school in the "Race to Top" program with their "new college- and career-ready standards". Those mean Republicans would cut public education to give tax cuts to millionaires. Could the liberals give us SOMETHING new? Please? Again, a "cut" in DC is a cut in the rate of growth. Throwing more money at the problem has NOT HELPED our public education system. DOE's centralized control has not been helpful. Bring school control closer to the people affected so they can have more flexibility.
Third: college stuff. Government will pay for college. College expenses have grown by twice the rate of inflation for years. My opinion is it's because other people will pay for it. We don't have the money. Seriously. Enough is enough. I know education is important, but there are other ways to get it than driving our country deeper and deeper into debt. And as a side note, this doubling of student loan rates was passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and the bill was sheduled to expire right before the election. And oh, what a shock, Obama didn't vote.
Fourth: she has surgery while in college and it was covered because BO let her stay on her parents' insurance until 26. You know, that could happen WITHOUT ObamaCare if there was more flexibility for insurance companies and if more people wanted it....and PAID for it. Ain't free, baby.
Fifth: She'll get equal pay for equal work because BO signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act and Romney hasn't said whether he would have vetoed it. I don't claim to understand the act, so we'll let this one stand, although I'm pretty sure the 14th amendment would work on this one. No need for a new law (but that's what all politicians do - pass more unnecessary laws).
Sixth: BO capped student loan rates. Hmmm...the reason that student loan rates are going up is because a Democrat-controlled Congress passed a law KNOWING they'd go up right before the election. And oh, what a shock, Obama didn't vote. And if you are going to have a problem repaying a loan, perhaps you shouldn't take out a loan. This idea that you should go into debt for 20 years to get a degree is crap.
Seventh: ObamaCare requires her health plan to cover birth control and preventative care, so she can worry about work, not her health. What - we can't choose our health plan ourselves? What if she wants a plan that doesn't cover birth control, making it cheaper? Isn't that how it should work? Why is it the government's job to tell insurance providers what they have to provide? And guess what? It's going to cost more. Yes it is, maybe not directly, but it costs someone. It ain't free.
Eighth: She's prego and everything's covered....for free. Uh huh. Can I say again - nothing's free. And anytime the government is involved, they want control. Think about it for a few minutes.
Ninth: Back to the school argument. Re-read the second slide points.
Tenth: She gets a loan from the SBA. The mean Republicans would cut federal funding by 20%. Again, "cut" my butt.
Eleventh: She's 65 and enrolling in Medicare. If Obama doesn't get re-elected, Medicare is going to disappear. Dude, Medicare's going bankrupt right now. Its costs were grossly underestimated, and our baby boomer population is going to skyrocket. And why is it the government's damn job to pay for health care because you're old?
Twelfth: Hahahaha!! She retires and has Social Security to "help her retire comfortably". Hahahaha. Re-read the point above.
I'm just finishing this and I see that Heritage has put out its own version of Julia - seems I've been scooped. Ah well. Made me feel better to write it up.
First of all, can I say, as a woman.....pfffft. Stop treating me like I'm part of some homogeneous group. It's so annoying.
Okay, to the meat of the slide show.
First slide: Julia goes to Head Start because BO is such a great guy and Romney, with the Ryan budget, would cut money from Head Start. A "cut" in DC is a cut in the RATE OF GROWTH. And Head Start isn't that helpful. Huh.
Second slide: Well that's funny. There are no slides between 3 and 17 years of age. Maybe because the public education system is so broken, they couldn't figure out anyway to positively spin it for BO. At 17, Julia is attending a school in the "Race to Top" program with their "new college- and career-ready standards". Those mean Republicans would cut public education to give tax cuts to millionaires. Could the liberals give us SOMETHING new? Please? Again, a "cut" in DC is a cut in the rate of growth. Throwing more money at the problem has NOT HELPED our public education system. DOE's centralized control has not been helpful. Bring school control closer to the people affected so they can have more flexibility.
Third: college stuff. Government will pay for college. College expenses have grown by twice the rate of inflation for years. My opinion is it's because other people will pay for it. We don't have the money. Seriously. Enough is enough. I know education is important, but there are other ways to get it than driving our country deeper and deeper into debt. And as a side note, this doubling of student loan rates was passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and the bill was sheduled to expire right before the election. And oh, what a shock, Obama didn't vote.
Fourth: she has surgery while in college and it was covered because BO let her stay on her parents' insurance until 26. You know, that could happen WITHOUT ObamaCare if there was more flexibility for insurance companies and if more people wanted it....and PAID for it. Ain't free, baby.
Fifth: She'll get equal pay for equal work because BO signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act and Romney hasn't said whether he would have vetoed it. I don't claim to understand the act, so we'll let this one stand, although I'm pretty sure the 14th amendment would work on this one. No need for a new law (but that's what all politicians do - pass more unnecessary laws).
Sixth: BO capped student loan rates. Hmmm...the reason that student loan rates are going up is because a Democrat-controlled Congress passed a law KNOWING they'd go up right before the election. And oh, what a shock, Obama didn't vote. And if you are going to have a problem repaying a loan, perhaps you shouldn't take out a loan. This idea that you should go into debt for 20 years to get a degree is crap.
Seventh: ObamaCare requires her health plan to cover birth control and preventative care, so she can worry about work, not her health. What - we can't choose our health plan ourselves? What if she wants a plan that doesn't cover birth control, making it cheaper? Isn't that how it should work? Why is it the government's job to tell insurance providers what they have to provide? And guess what? It's going to cost more. Yes it is, maybe not directly, but it costs someone. It ain't free.
Eighth: She's prego and everything's covered....for free. Uh huh. Can I say again - nothing's free. And anytime the government is involved, they want control. Think about it for a few minutes.
Ninth: Back to the school argument. Re-read the second slide points.
Tenth: She gets a loan from the SBA. The mean Republicans would cut federal funding by 20%. Again, "cut" my butt.
Eleventh: She's 65 and enrolling in Medicare. If Obama doesn't get re-elected, Medicare is going to disappear. Dude, Medicare's going bankrupt right now. Its costs were grossly underestimated, and our baby boomer population is going to skyrocket. And why is it the government's damn job to pay for health care because you're old?
Twelfth: Hahahaha!! She retires and has Social Security to "help her retire comfortably". Hahahaha. Re-read the point above.
I'm just finishing this and I see that Heritage has put out its own version of Julia - seems I've been scooped. Ah well. Made me feel better to write it up.
Friday, May 4, 2012
This just seems so simple and therefore the media is so obviously stupid.
The number of jobs available dropped last month.
The unemployment rate also dropped.
The media is reporting that the economy is getting better. Uh, sure.
Even IF this were true and we could compare these rates with other presidents' rates...they get "revised" in a week or so anyhow and it doesn't get reported.
Add that to the AP reporting that unemployment will be below 8% before Election Day.....makes you wonder...
The number of jobs available dropped last month.
The unemployment rate also dropped.
The media is reporting that the economy is getting better. Uh, sure.
Even IF this were true and we could compare these rates with other presidents' rates...they get "revised" in a week or so anyhow and it doesn't get reported.
Add that to the AP reporting that unemployment will be below 8% before Election Day.....makes you wonder...
Friday, April 27, 2012
I hate when politicians talk about the women's vote, or the Latino vote, or the independent vote. I don't believe the same things as a liberal mom. Why would you lump us together? Why do people presume that all Latinos would vote the same way? Or all independents?
I want people to run for office on what they believe and how they'll vote, and if they don't get the votes, then they lose. If they DO get voted into office, at least people will know that they'll get what they voted for.
I know - seems so simple, right??
I want people to run for office on what they believe and how they'll vote, and if they don't get the votes, then they lose. If they DO get voted into office, at least people will know that they'll get what they voted for.
I know - seems so simple, right??
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
If I see a "person of color" with a bumper sticker on their car, it's always Obama/Biden. Always. White people with bumper stickers seem pretty split right/left around here.
So why are whites the racists if they're against Obama?
Saw a great bumper sticker on a friend's car:
You voted in 2008 to prove you weren't racist
Vote in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot
So why are whites the racists if they're against Obama?
Saw a great bumper sticker on a friend's car:
You voted in 2008 to prove you weren't racist
Vote in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot
Friday, March 2, 2012
Don't Dis the Fat Kids
I occasionally read Jewish World Review. I find it a very interesting read and I also like to see how world events are affecting Jewish people and Israel.
One article that caught my attention this morning was about Disney's new exhibit at Epcot, called Habit Heroes. They're trying to fight childhood obesity. Regardless of what you think of the issue, I was shocked to find out there was a group called the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.
Really? Is that what we need? Now, I am in agreement that we don't bully or harass fat kids, and obviously there are many different-sized kids out there, but do we REALLY want to accept fat as okay?? With all the health risks and all the stories we hear about kids being fat earlier and earlier in life, do we want to let them know that it's okay??
All I know is I've seen fat kids (I lived in WV for 5 years). These kids are not like we were as kids. They eat processed foods and lots of them, to make up for mom AND dad working outside the home. They don't have two recesses a day like we did. They don't walk to school. They don't play outside with the neighbors until it's dark. They don't grab an apple to eat while running to the kickball game outside.
Let's call it what it is. Parents who don't really know how to cook or care for their kids, and the society to make it so we all think that's okay. It might be understandable, but it's certainly not okay.
One article that caught my attention this morning was about Disney's new exhibit at Epcot, called Habit Heroes. They're trying to fight childhood obesity. Regardless of what you think of the issue, I was shocked to find out there was a group called the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.
Really? Is that what we need? Now, I am in agreement that we don't bully or harass fat kids, and obviously there are many different-sized kids out there, but do we REALLY want to accept fat as okay?? With all the health risks and all the stories we hear about kids being fat earlier and earlier in life, do we want to let them know that it's okay??
All I know is I've seen fat kids (I lived in WV for 5 years). These kids are not like we were as kids. They eat processed foods and lots of them, to make up for mom AND dad working outside the home. They don't have two recesses a day like we did. They don't walk to school. They don't play outside with the neighbors until it's dark. They don't grab an apple to eat while running to the kickball game outside.
Let's call it what it is. Parents who don't really know how to cook or care for their kids, and the society to make it so we all think that's okay. It might be understandable, but it's certainly not okay.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
State of the Union
There's just so much about which to rant. I guess I'll start where I am in the transcript.
Why are we discussing this payroll tax holiday?? When President Bush proposed letting people invest 2% of their payroll tax (right?) it was called irresponsible. We don't have the money to fund Social Security past what... 2020? And a payroll tax holiday is a good idea??? How so?
Next - fine, you want to stop subsidizing millionaires, great. Stop subsidizing farmers too. And how about people who get back not only what they paid in taxes during the year, but more over and above that amount? Stop subsidizing ANYTHING. School loans, crops, failing businesses....
I HATE the comment that "the country can't afford" a tax cut for the wealthy. It was their money to begin with!! The government TOOK IT!!!
I actually agree with the no insider trading by members of Congress. That's a duh.
Banks making "huge bets with other people's money" - well, then you shouldn't have bailed them out!!!
Why are we discussing this payroll tax holiday?? When President Bush proposed letting people invest 2% of their payroll tax (right?) it was called irresponsible. We don't have the money to fund Social Security past what... 2020? And a payroll tax holiday is a good idea??? How so?
Next - fine, you want to stop subsidizing millionaires, great. Stop subsidizing farmers too. And how about people who get back not only what they paid in taxes during the year, but more over and above that amount? Stop subsidizing ANYTHING. School loans, crops, failing businesses....
I HATE the comment that "the country can't afford" a tax cut for the wealthy. It was their money to begin with!! The government TOOK IT!!!
I actually agree with the no insider trading by members of Congress. That's a duh.
Banks making "huge bets with other people's money" - well, then you shouldn't have bailed them out!!!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Hate Crime?
Hubby came across this story today and asked an interesting question: "will these guys be charged with a hate crime?" The murdered man was white, his attackers were all Hispanic. Switch the races and ask yourself, "how quickly would these men not only be charged with murder, but with a hate crime?"
Friday, January 20, 2012
Capital Gains Tax
Since Romney is "only" paying a 15% income tax rate (SHOCKING!), and it's mostly because a lot of his income is from capital gains, I had to rant.
I've heard the comments (and actually made some) that say that capital gains come from money that's already been taxed. I meant that you pay taxes, then take after-tax dollars, invest them, then have to pay income tax on the returns. While true, that isn't quite as accurate as it should be.
I was listening to Rush this week and he made a comment about the corporations paying the capital gains pay dividends with after-tax dollars. I didn't believe him (why, Erin, WHY?!) and went to go look it up. Turns out it's true. Corporations earn money, pay taxes on that money, pay dividends to us (or whoever happens to invest in their company), and then that money is taxed AGAIN.
Egads....how many times should it be taxed? And how is that Romney's fault? He didn't write the tax code. If there was a flat tax, there wouldn't be "loopholes" (another word for "laws") that he or other "rich" people could "find" ("follow the law"), and then everyone would pay their "fair share" (equal percentage).
I've heard the comments (and actually made some) that say that capital gains come from money that's already been taxed. I meant that you pay taxes, then take after-tax dollars, invest them, then have to pay income tax on the returns. While true, that isn't quite as accurate as it should be.
I was listening to Rush this week and he made a comment about the corporations paying the capital gains pay dividends with after-tax dollars. I didn't believe him (why, Erin, WHY?!) and went to go look it up. Turns out it's true. Corporations earn money, pay taxes on that money, pay dividends to us (or whoever happens to invest in their company), and then that money is taxed AGAIN.
Egads....how many times should it be taxed? And how is that Romney's fault? He didn't write the tax code. If there was a flat tax, there wouldn't be "loopholes" (another word for "laws") that he or other "rich" people could "find" ("follow the law"), and then everyone would pay their "fair share" (equal percentage).
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Compassion or Class Warfare?
Last week on our local station, Chris Plante was asking how you can tell whether someone actually cares about the "poor" or whether it's class warfare.
I had to sit and think for a few minutes, because I never really considered the difference. I KNEW there was a difference, but I couldn't articulate it. It finally came to me.
If the goal is to lift up the "poor", then it's compassion. If the goal is to drag down the "rich", it's class warfare. Tearing down those that make money, create jobs, and spend "frivolously" does nothing to help the condition of those who are "down-trodden".
If someone really cared about the "lower class", they would create a job, find an internship, teach them to garden, help them fix their house to lower their bills, watch their kids, donate clothes, etc., etc.
I can also see how this ties into the difference between liberals and conservatives and how much they donate. Liberals prefer to donate YOUR money. Conservatives will donate THEIRS. Although, I will say, the study I found said it really seems to have more to do with faith than politics, and since conservatives are more "religious" than liberals.....
I had to sit and think for a few minutes, because I never really considered the difference. I KNEW there was a difference, but I couldn't articulate it. It finally came to me.
If the goal is to lift up the "poor", then it's compassion. If the goal is to drag down the "rich", it's class warfare. Tearing down those that make money, create jobs, and spend "frivolously" does nothing to help the condition of those who are "down-trodden".
If someone really cared about the "lower class", they would create a job, find an internship, teach them to garden, help them fix their house to lower their bills, watch their kids, donate clothes, etc., etc.
I can also see how this ties into the difference between liberals and conservatives and how much they donate. Liberals prefer to donate YOUR money. Conservatives will donate THEIRS. Although, I will say, the study I found said it really seems to have more to do with faith than politics, and since conservatives are more "religious" than liberals.....
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Military cuts
As we are all aware, there have to be "across-the-board" cuts made because, surprise, surprise, the Super Committee couldn't decide on specific cuts. Half is to come from the military, and half apparently from Medicare.
I have a few different ideas and would love to hear your opinions.
First, you should not receive more back in a tax refund than you paid out in taxes. I speak from experience on this one. My hubby often has combat pay, and add that to deductions for our mortgage, charitable giving, and kids, we often get back more than we paid into the system. That makes no sense whatsoever. None. I appreciate the money, but not at the real cost.
Second, specific military cuts. There are several airplanes, ships, etc., that the DoD has specifically said they don't want, but Congress pushed through. The F-35 is one example, as is the C-17. The F-22 and C-130, respectively would work FINE if avionics were updated. I have no examples for the Army or Marines, as I haven't had real conversations with military friends of those services.
Third, Congress gets way too much for what they do. Pensions no matter how long you work? Automatic pay raises?
Fourth, well, pretty much anything that isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution (see the 10th amendment).
That's a good start for me. However, I know that these are complete pipe dreams....unless we get rid of every single person in Congress. I am ALL FOR term limits. That's one area where I agree with liberals that people are just too stupid to take care of themselves. <kidding, kidding>
I have a few different ideas and would love to hear your opinions.
First, you should not receive more back in a tax refund than you paid out in taxes. I speak from experience on this one. My hubby often has combat pay, and add that to deductions for our mortgage, charitable giving, and kids, we often get back more than we paid into the system. That makes no sense whatsoever. None. I appreciate the money, but not at the real cost.
Second, specific military cuts. There are several airplanes, ships, etc., that the DoD has specifically said they don't want, but Congress pushed through. The F-35 is one example, as is the C-17. The F-22 and C-130, respectively would work FINE if avionics were updated. I have no examples for the Army or Marines, as I haven't had real conversations with military friends of those services.
Third, Congress gets way too much for what they do. Pensions no matter how long you work? Automatic pay raises?
Fourth, well, pretty much anything that isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution (see the 10th amendment).
That's a good start for me. However, I know that these are complete pipe dreams....unless we get rid of every single person in Congress. I am ALL FOR term limits. That's one area where I agree with liberals that people are just too stupid to take care of themselves. <kidding, kidding>
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Health Insurance and Pre-Existing Conditions
I saw a post today about Rick Santorum and his "Top 10 Most Outrageous Campaign Statements". It was from a liberal "friend", so they were obviously shocked and appalled. I, however, didn't mind it so much - go figure!
Here's the list:
1) Annul all same-sex marriages. I really have no problem with that, EXCEPT that I don't think the federal government should be intruding into states' laws. I can see that the DOMA would probably allow the federal government to do that, though....thoughts??
2) He's for income inequality. Here's where I'm confused. He apparently said that some people should make more than other people because they have better ideas and work harder. Why would ANYONE have a problem with that??
3) He would repeal all federal funding for birth control and allow states to outlaw birth control. I personally understand where he's coming from (people do things they wouldn't otherwise if they have a "safety net" of contraception), HOWEVER, I don't like it. So I can agree with those who say this is outrageous.
4) He supported DADT. I agree. We don't allow men and women to share rooms in the military for obvious reasons. Why would we allow homosexuals to share rooms with "potential hook-ups"? Now, to be clear, homosexuals shouldn't be beaten up or hazed or anything like that in the military. But I understand the reason for them to keep their mouths shut about their sexuality.
5) Obama should oppose abortion because he's black. Hello....what color babies get aborted more?? Blacks. I agree with Santorum on this one.
6) We don't need food stamps because obesity rates are so high. As far as I know, you can only buy "good" food with food stamps, so I don't see the correlation there.
7) He doesn't like the exceptions to abortion for the life or health of the mom, calling them phony. I personally think that the only reason these exceptions are included is to try to make people think that abortion in cases of the mother's health are much higher than they really are. However, I don't see how abortion, which is legal, could be without those exceptions, because they do happen.
8) He said that socialized medicine would have been bad for his daughter, who was born with a genetic abnormality. Well, let's see. We've all heard the stories about waiting for health care and rationing of health care in societies that have a single-payer system. What's the problem with this one?
9) He apparently told a woman complaining about high prescription drug costs to lower her cable and cell phone bills. He also compared health insurance to cars, saying it's a luxury resource. Now this gets sticky, because no one wants to be the one to say to a really sick person, we're not paying for your care. However, I do agree that it's not the federal government's job to pay for your health care. We COULD do without things to pay for our own care, and I DO believe health care costs will never go down or at least stabilize as long as we don't pay for our own care. I know it's unpopular, and people will be mad at me for saying this. But that's why we're here - because no one will say no. You wouldn't go knocking on stranger's doors asking for money for health care, but we're okay with asking the government to pay. Let me also add that you WOULD ask friends, if it was bad (and you should), and they would help you (and they should).
10) He defended insurers that refused people with pre-existing conditions and said that those who had pre-existing conditions should pay more for insurance because they cost more. Sounds like what we do with auto insurance....what's the problem?
Here's the list:
1) Annul all same-sex marriages. I really have no problem with that, EXCEPT that I don't think the federal government should be intruding into states' laws. I can see that the DOMA would probably allow the federal government to do that, though....thoughts??
2) He's for income inequality. Here's where I'm confused. He apparently said that some people should make more than other people because they have better ideas and work harder. Why would ANYONE have a problem with that??
3) He would repeal all federal funding for birth control and allow states to outlaw birth control. I personally understand where he's coming from (people do things they wouldn't otherwise if they have a "safety net" of contraception), HOWEVER, I don't like it. So I can agree with those who say this is outrageous.
4) He supported DADT. I agree. We don't allow men and women to share rooms in the military for obvious reasons. Why would we allow homosexuals to share rooms with "potential hook-ups"? Now, to be clear, homosexuals shouldn't be beaten up or hazed or anything like that in the military. But I understand the reason for them to keep their mouths shut about their sexuality.
5) Obama should oppose abortion because he's black. Hello....what color babies get aborted more?? Blacks. I agree with Santorum on this one.
6) We don't need food stamps because obesity rates are so high. As far as I know, you can only buy "good" food with food stamps, so I don't see the correlation there.
7) He doesn't like the exceptions to abortion for the life or health of the mom, calling them phony. I personally think that the only reason these exceptions are included is to try to make people think that abortion in cases of the mother's health are much higher than they really are. However, I don't see how abortion, which is legal, could be without those exceptions, because they do happen.
8) He said that socialized medicine would have been bad for his daughter, who was born with a genetic abnormality. Well, let's see. We've all heard the stories about waiting for health care and rationing of health care in societies that have a single-payer system. What's the problem with this one?
9) He apparently told a woman complaining about high prescription drug costs to lower her cable and cell phone bills. He also compared health insurance to cars, saying it's a luxury resource. Now this gets sticky, because no one wants to be the one to say to a really sick person, we're not paying for your care. However, I do agree that it's not the federal government's job to pay for your health care. We COULD do without things to pay for our own care, and I DO believe health care costs will never go down or at least stabilize as long as we don't pay for our own care. I know it's unpopular, and people will be mad at me for saying this. But that's why we're here - because no one will say no. You wouldn't go knocking on stranger's doors asking for money for health care, but we're okay with asking the government to pay. Let me also add that you WOULD ask friends, if it was bad (and you should), and they would help you (and they should).
10) He defended insurers that refused people with pre-existing conditions and said that those who had pre-existing conditions should pay more for insurance because they cost more. Sounds like what we do with auto insurance....what's the problem?
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Well done, Rush
It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...
I saw a post today about Rick Santorum and his "Top 10 Most Outrageous Campaign Statements". It was from a liberal "friend...
I haven't posted in awhile, not because there's nothing to rant about, but because it discourages me. I get in these funks when I s...
Last week on our local station, Chris Plante was asking how you can tell whether someone actually cares about the "poor" or whethe...