Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Compassion or Class Warfare?

Last week on our local station, Chris Plante was asking how you can tell whether someone actually cares about the "poor" or whether it's class warfare.

I had to sit and think for a few minutes, because I never really considered the difference.  I KNEW there was a difference, but I couldn't articulate it.  It finally came to me.

If the goal is to lift up the "poor", then it's compassion.  If the goal is to drag down the "rich", it's class warfare.  Tearing down those that make money, create jobs, and spend "frivolously" does nothing to help the condition of those who are "down-trodden".

If someone really cared about the "lower class", they would create a job, find an internship, teach them to garden, help them fix their house to lower their bills, watch their kids, donate clothes, etc., etc.

I can also see how this ties into the difference between liberals and conservatives and how much they donate. Liberals prefer to donate YOUR money.  Conservatives will donate THEIRS.  Although, I will say, the study I found said it really seems to have more to do with faith than politics, and since conservatives are more "religious" than liberals.....


  1. I had a good idea for a rant the other day, but now I don't remember what it was. So instead, I should rant about how I can't remember things. Except I'll probably forget what I was trying to say half way through. Sigh...

  2. Haha!! That happens to me all the .... wait, what was I going to say??? ;-)


Well done, Rush

 It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...