Thursday, December 26, 2013


Someone ought to give a medal to the guy who shouted, "you lie!" at Obama.

Obama lies A LOT!!

We all know the "if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep it."  That's pretty well documented to be bull.

Remember this one?  "No family making less that $250,000 will see any sort of tax increase."   This article refuting that claim is from 2010.

Let's talk about current law.  Americans have been able to deduct medical expenses that are more than 7.5% of our annual income....that rises to 10%.  I consider that a tax increase.

All medical devices have a 2.3% tax added to them.  That's a tax increase.

Every health plan has a 2% tax added to it.

FSA contributions are slashed to $2,500 from $10,000.  Oh, and you can't use that money (or HSA or HRA funds) to buy any over-the-counter medication.

A 40% tax on "Cadillac health-care plans."  You know, if Obama and his little minions REALLY wanted people to have good health care (as they claim), why would you tax someone for having an excellent plan??  Oh wait, it wouldn't be "fair."  Wake up, people - life ain't fair.  Get over it.

And let's not forget the tax if you choose not buy into the Obamacare lie - starting at 1%.

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