Friday, March 2, 2012

Don't Dis the Fat Kids

I occasionally read Jewish World Review.  I find it a very interesting read and I also like to see how world events are affecting Jewish people and Israel.  

One article that caught my attention this morning was about Disney's new exhibit at Epcot, called Habit Heroes. They're trying to fight childhood obesity.  Regardless of what you think of the issue, I was shocked to find out there was a group called the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. 
Really?  Is that what we need?  Now, I am in agreement that we don't bully or harass fat kids, and obviously there are many different-sized kids out there, but do we REALLY want to accept fat as okay??  With all the health risks and all the stories we hear about kids being fat earlier and earlier in life, do we want to let them know that it's okay??

All I know is I've seen fat kids (I lived in WV for 5 years).  These kids are not like we were as kids.  They eat processed foods and lots of them, to make up for mom AND dad working outside the home.  They don't have two recesses a day like we did.  They don't walk to school.  They don't play outside with the neighbors until it's dark.  They don't grab an apple to eat while running to the kickball game outside.  

Let's call it what it is.  Parents who don't really know how to cook or care for their kids, and the society to make it so we all think that's okay.  It might be understandable, but it's certainly not okay.

Well done, Rush

 It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...