Friday, October 27, 2017

If it weren't for double standards, there'd be no standards at all

"You have to follow the law" - when it comes to making sure someone is allowed to shred a baby in the womb.

"You shouldn't follow the law" - when it comes to letting people here illegally stay here.

"It's settled science" - when it's about man-made climate change. "It's how you feel, not science" - when it's about someone delusional enough to think they're not the sex they are.

"All women should be believed" - when you're a victim of sexual assault....unless the assaulter is Clinton.

"All lives matter" - when someone wants to save the baby seals/otters/whatever.

"Only my life matters" - when it's too "inconvenient" to save an actual baby.

"It's a baby" - at 3 months pregnant - IF you want it.

"It's a blob of tissue" - at 3 months pregnant - if you don't.

"He's so stupid" - when Quayle misspells "potato".

No comment - when Gore looks at some statues at Monticello and says, "who are these guys?" (Washington, Franklin, Lafayette).

Well done, Rush

 It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...