Thursday, December 26, 2013


Someone ought to give a medal to the guy who shouted, "you lie!" at Obama.

Obama lies A LOT!!

We all know the "if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep it."  That's pretty well documented to be bull.

Remember this one?  "No family making less that $250,000 will see any sort of tax increase."   This article refuting that claim is from 2010.

Let's talk about current law.  Americans have been able to deduct medical expenses that are more than 7.5% of our annual income....that rises to 10%.  I consider that a tax increase.

All medical devices have a 2.3% tax added to them.  That's a tax increase.

Every health plan has a 2% tax added to it.

FSA contributions are slashed to $2,500 from $10,000.  Oh, and you can't use that money (or HSA or HRA funds) to buy any over-the-counter medication.

A 40% tax on "Cadillac health-care plans."  You know, if Obama and his little minions REALLY wanted people to have good health care (as they claim), why would you tax someone for having an excellent plan??  Oh wait, it wouldn't be "fair."  Wake up, people - life ain't fair.  Get over it.

And let's not forget the tax if you choose not buy into the Obamacare lie - starting at 1%.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Statistics, lies, and damn lies

This is really just so I can remember all the illegal stuff the Obama administration, so I won't comment.  Mostly because I can't do so right now without cursing.  :-/

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Over budget? Nah...

A government program going over budget.  I'm shocked.  THAT'S never happened before, has it??

Medicare, Medicaid....

Mistake....yeah, that's what it was, a MISTAKE

Oops - thousands of Social Security numbers were put on a website by "mistake".  It was a a database for tax-exempt political groups.  Hmmm....I wonder if these are the same political groups that were targeted by the IRS.  Nah, that couldn't be the case, could it???

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hate crime? Nah....couldn't be....

Imagine you read an article:  "Christian murders two Muslims by decapitation".  That would SURELY be followed by days of stories about how Muslims have been so put upon since 9/11.  That isn't true, but would you be surprised that the media portrays that as true?  Check out statistics on the FBI website - hate crimes 2001-2011, inclusive are 66.44% against Jews, 12.1% against Muslims.

Anyhow...the aforementioned article never happened.  There WAS an article:  "Gruesome double murder, men decapitated".  The men killed happened to be Coptic Christians and the alleged perpetrator was Muslim.  No mention of hate crime.  No mention on the national media.

No bias here.

Friday, April 5, 2013

How long will we be allowed to live?

Just read this article from Breitbart:

This is the line that I got stuck on:  "The budget would limit an individual’s total balance across tax-preferred accounts to an amount sufficient to finance an annuity of not more than $205,000 per year in retirement, or about $3 million in 2013," the statement said."

Hmmm...I don't know about you, but that effectively says to me that I'm only allowed to live for 15 years after retirement.  

"...the Obama administration believes the current rules allow some wealthy individuals "to accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving."

Who gets to say how much money I can save??  Who says it's "substantially more than needed?  Why is it ANY of their #$^@#$ business??

Friday, February 8, 2013

Oh please

"No law or set of laws can keep our children completely safe. But if there's even one thing we can do, if there's just one life we can save, we've got an obligation to try," Obama said.

What a load of crap.

No one is suggesting that we ban abortion or cars, are they?  And more children die from those things than guns every year.

I'm so sick of " wouldn't you do ANYTHING to save a child?"  Well, hell's bells, NO!  The ends does not justify the means.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I haven't ranted for awhile (well, not on HERE, anyway), but I felt the urge today.  I've actually felt the urge several times in the last week whenever I heard the ad for "Total Transformation" on the radio.

I've heard these ads for years, but usually I just ignore them.  My kids are pretty good, pretty well-behaved, and we've gotten to the age where we can really explain why we set rules, and, more importantly, where WE got those rules.  God sets rules for our safety and enjoyment.  We need to stay under His umbrella of protection or we are inviting all sorts of trouble.

That's why I get ticked off at these ads.  They act like they're promoting some new thing for HUNDREDS of dollars.  It sounds to me as if they are recommending the following actions:  Set a rule, explain the consequences for breaking it, follow through with the punishment, and don't take it personally.

Well, DUH!!  I googled this "amazing" program and found one review that was talking about how their kids were pretty good, but they had no "moral compass."

Again - DUH!!  You can't just raise your kids to "behave" and then assume a moral compass will naturally form.  If you don't raise your children to know the Creator of the universe, the Savior of mankind, why on EARTH would they put other people first?

Here's my real frustration.  You cannot have a moral compass or act in the "proper way" or use "common sense" if you have no basis in God.  It's not possible.  Here's why.  God set the rules way back in the beginning and then clarified them 2000 years ago.  There are no rules apart from God.

Do not murder.
Do not steal.
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
Obey your father and mother.
Do not commit adultery.

These are rules that people want their kids to follow....they're GOD'S RULES!!  NOT MAN'S!!  Every single thing that makes someone worth being around is from God.  And that includes me, by the way.

So my suggestions for parenting?  I have SEVERAL.  Go figure.

First, you need to recognize your need for a Savior.  If you don't know Christ personally, your parenting will not be all it could be.  Then introduce your child to Christ.  Those two things are the most important things you will ever do.

Raise your children to be a joy to you and a joy to others.

Next, raise adults.  The seeds you're planting now WILL BE what grows into adulthood.

Understand that you aren't perfect.  However, that does NOT stop you from being your child's parent.  A child needs a parent, not a friend.  They will be angry with you when you stop them from throwing food.  Too bad.  See point number one.

Set rules.  Decide how far you'll let them FIRST, before they try to go that far.  Remember that your goal is to gradually decrease the amount of control in their lives as they grow into adulthood.  When they're little, each infraction must be dealt with.  Every single one.  Even if you're sleepy.  Even if you're sick.  Even if you just don't want to.  The exception?  If you haven't bothered to discipline your kids and they're four or five?  Pick ONE and work on that....then another, and another.

You must show grace.  They must be corrected, then reminded they are loved, then just LET GO of that bad behavior.  Don't hold it over their heads.

Don't take anything personally.  They're kids.  They do not know better.  No they don't.  No, they don't.  If you get mad, you have given them power.  You stay calm, even if it's pretend.

YOUR job is to set up the guardrails.  Kids want structure.  No, kids NEED structure.  They need to know, as much as possible, what the framework is.  It makes them feel better.

Give them work to do.  REAL work.  My children have had chores since they were 18 months old.  When they start asking to help, LET THEM.  If they don't do it "right", too bad.  Teach them properly and they will get it, I promise.  As the kids get older, make sure you're preparing them to move out.  If they argue about their chores, ask them who will do their chores when they move out.  I highly recommend Kym Wright's book, Living Life on Purpose.  She has a list of tasks that every child should be able to accomplish by the time they move out.  You can make your own list, of course, but she brings up things that I hadn't thought of - how to choose the proper cleaner for the mess, changing a tire, planning a meal, etc.

That's about all I have.  My kids are 6 - 14.  They're not perfect.  They know Christ, they know I make mistakes, they know they're loved.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Heads up, ladies and gentlemen....homosexuality is a sin.  It's not a hate crime (yet) to say so, but it's getting pretty darn close.  But too bad.  It's wrong.

Adultery is a sin, too.  And God hates divorce...and lying.  Gluttony's on there too.

There's a whole list of things that are WRONG.  I'm sick and tired of people being hateful to Christians because they believe the Bible.  They want us to tolerate sin....but they don't tolerate different opinions from theirs.

Not a shock - just ticks me off.

All this from this news article -

Can I just say that if a pastor has NEVER mentioned homosexuality, he should probably be run out of his church.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Why is it someone else's job to pay for your birth control?  Why is it okay to ask someone to disregard their religious beliefs and make them pay for your birth control?  Why can't you pay for your own?

Fiscal cliff....oh we went off it...

This fiscal cliff "deal" was a load of crap.

Where are the spending cuts?  You say they're coming?  Bull.  Reagan agreed to tax increases in return for spending cuts.  They never materialized.  George HW Bush did the same thing.  Dems again failed to follow through on their "promises" to cut spending.

Ask yourself another question - why didn't the Dems do this during the first two years of Obama's presidency?  They had a majority everywhere and they wouldn't have had to fight very hard.  Because they want to be able to blame Republicans.

I used to think Rush was nuts.  Dems don't hate our country.  They don't want to change the things that make it great.

He's right.

The question is...why do Republicans still cave every damn time?  I think it's because they love their jobs more than their country.

I no longer want Republicans.  I want conservative Christians.  Not a "compassionate" conservative, because that sounds like every other conservative is a big meanie.  I want someone who reads the Constitution, abides by it, and fights for it even if it costs them their job.

Well done, Rush

 It's been a little over a week since Rush Limbaugh passed away from complications due to lung cancer. While I was not surprised to hear...