Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I'm Writing

You might as well know why I'm writing this blog.  I am conservative.  I wasn't always.  I was a raging liberal back in high school (of course, that was 20 years ago).  I grew up in a town that had plenty of "alternative lifestyles", so I accepted them whole-heartedly.  There's a picture of me protesting against the first Gulf War.  I had a bumper sticker on my car (after high school) that said, "If you are against abortion, don't have one."  I believed everyone was entitled to health insurance and that they shouldn't have to pay for it.  I was offered a chance to purchase health insurance when I was 19 or 20 years old, but was told I'd have to pay $100 a month.  My co-workers and I voted it down immediately.  What arrogance.

That arrogance is what I see in liberals.  Each and every one.  It doesn't matter to me if it's Obama, Reid, Pelosi, or ordinary "rank and file" card-carrying Democrats.  I've lived in towns and cities where I've listened to them.  I WAS ONE.  My family is full of them.  They're all the same.  They don't believe that you or I or a minority or anyone else could possibly make it on their own.  It's "not fair".  The government needs to "help".  Of course, they do tend to forget that the government does NOTHING on its own.  The government takes from ordinary people who have worked hard and gives to others depending on the value of the vote bought with that money or entitlement.

I have no room for liberals on this blog.  You want to crab, complain, call me names - do it somewhere else.  This blog is for like-minded folks.  I will not listen to you here.  I listened to you all through high school, my jobs, the news media, politicians, "religious" folks.  I'm here to focus on the the Constitution, the United State of America, and saving it from those liberals and moderates who think we can all just "get along".

If I don't write this down, I do believe I'll drive myself batty.

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Well done, Rush

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